Hog Hunting Safety Tips

6-hogsHunting wild hogs Georgia is an extremely fun and thrilling adventure, especially because of how vicious and elusive the creature is. You need to be very careful when hunting hogs because startling them makes them angry and they become very difficult to stop. Hunting is a high-risk activity regardless of the animal, but with wild hogs, you can never be too careful.

You need firepower to stop an adult hog charging at you across the woods. It is quite common for the hunter to become the hunted when dealing with hogs. These vicious savages will attempt to fight you using their tusks and hooves if they think you are a threat. You should be well armed to take them down for your own self-protection. Nothing less than a .260 caliber weapon should be carried during hog hunting.

Another way to avoid the risk of a charging wild hog is to hunt from higher ground. You can use a tree stand to find a safe location on the trunk of a sturdy tree. It gives you a great vantage position too, and your movements on the ground will not startle the hog. In case you want to hunt from the ground, pick a position near a tree that you can climb if the animal charges at you. Knowing which tree to climb beforehand enables you to think quickly in the emergency situation.

Wild animals often carry a lot of diseases, which can infect you and cause serious health problems. You should be wary of hog diseases such as brucellosis. Do not touch any hogs that has been killed by other animals or found dead. You should also avoid direct contact with the hog, especially if you are not sure whether or not it carries a disease. You should always wear safety gloves and goggles when handling the hog to avoid direct contact. You should burn every other part of the hog that you do not use along with the gloves you used to handle the hog.

Keep in touch with the rest of the Georgia hunting group, especially when you break off from the crowd. Once again, hogs are very dangerous, especially when in large groups. They can surround you and launch a serious attack. If you have a good satellite based communication device you can call for help before things get out of hand. Satellite based communication systems are the best since cell reception may be a bit poor in the woods. Besides, you may not get the time to unlock and search for contacts in your phone while a big hog is hurling at you at killer speeds.

Ready for a fun hunting trip? Visit us here at Gum Log Plantation! Discover why Georgia is The Wild Hog Capital of the World. Contact us today…

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